Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Anita West - 'Life, Love, Landscape"

Anita West's latest exhibition opens 17 Sept (to 3 Oct) at the Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery in Sydney. If you're down that way during this time, make time and check it out! I was lucky enough to have a preview of Anita's latest body of work at her studio recently with some other BAD Coop members. We were all blown away!


  1. Lucky You Katrina! Great picture of Anita in her Studio. The title of the show say's it all. Congratulations Anita and thanks for sharing this Katrina!

  2. I know I'm so lucky, it was such a wonderful day, first Nicola's exhibition and then a viewing of Anita's work. I can't take credit for the photo though, I copied it from the Gallery's website, but yes its an unreal photo.
