The Encouragement Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that relies on corporate and philanthropic sponsorship to promote and raise awareness of the value of encouragement in our society.
Encouragement projects are guided by the belief that to achieve the most good for the greatest number, the philosophy of encouragement through education and supportive funding avenues is required.
A simple pat on the back, a smile or an encouraging word is sometimes all that is needed.
The Foundation provides support to both local and overseas projects like Encouragement House in Timor which will provide 7 villages in Timor with educational support to assist families break the poverty cycle.

Please take the time to browse the Encouragement Foundation's website and you'll find something that will encourage you. Check out the Blog and read inspirational stories of encouragement too by clicking HERE.
I hope you'll take the time to have a look and sign up for the regular news updates to stay informed on what the Foundation is up to.