Day 3 of our road trip and we're off to the
Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo. There is so many ways to get around the Zoo, you can ride, walk, drive or hire golf buggy type vehicles to drive around. We opted to walk and ride, however the paths/roads total approximately 6kms so after lunch we opted to get the car and drive the rest of the day.

When you pay to get in, it gives you 2 consecutive days admission, how good is that! We found that by the time we got around to see some of the animals they were resting, so we came back the next day and went to see them first up when they were more active.

The Zoo is currently being renovated and the new buildings, etc, are due to be opened at the end of October. The building in the background will be the new restaurant and information centre. The swan in front, has 5 baby signets, not something you get to see too often, so cute.

When we came back the next morning, we did the 'early morning walk' setting the alarm in order to get to the gate at 6.40am. It was fantastic, a volunteer (lovely lady called Mary) took us around behind the scenes, we saw animals getting fed and learnt a lot more about the Zoo and the animals. Highly recommended.

There were so many animals and its hard to pick a favourite and I won't bore you with a million animal photos but some firm favourites were the Meerkats. They are so active and its hard to walk away from their enclosure because they are always so busy and funny.

The animals have enormous areas to roam. These spaces are either surrounded by moats or built up embankments with little fencing making everything so open so you feel very close to the animals. The spaces are built to reflect the animals natural habitats.

Even the monkeys and apes are not in cages, they are all situated on islands in the lakes throughout the Zoo so they can roam around. When we needed a break or a rest, we sat and watched the monkey and ape antics. There are Gibbons, Siamangs, Lemurs and Spider Monkeys.
I could rave on for ages about how great the Zoo is because it is. We'll be going again and next time I'll book way in advance so that we can take advantage of the onsite accommodation package the Zoo offers!