Last Sunday, 16 May, a group of friends and I held an Autumn Garden Party in my back yard. This is the second time we've held such an event and again we set about making it as much fun as possible while raising money for 3 charities. On the day we had entertainment, shopping, lucky door prizes and tarot card reading.

On the shopping side of things we had Robyn from "Fashions on the Go", Maria from "Maria's Chocolates", Pauline and Eleise from "Isabeau Jewellery and Gifts", "Alfina's Cakes and Giftwares" and John with his secondhand books. Three lovely ladies attending the party agreed to be models and participate in the fashion parade to display the wide range of beautifully fashionable clothes and accessories. There was something for everyone as there were more clothes and accessories available to look at and try on than most of your leading fashion shops.

To compliment the clothing, there was an exciting range of jewellery available from Isabeau Jewellery and Gifts to suit the clothing. Also available was a lovely range of unique giftware.
Maria had a delicious variety of chocolates to tempt everyone and Alfina's Cakes and Giftware had a wonderful range of baked goods, tea and coffee supplies and crockery.
There was more entertainment in the form of Tarot Card readings and a Bellydancing display.
Jeanette and Bob, two caring and gifted psychics with over 60 years experience between them, were kept busy with many ladies wanting a reading. For more information please click here
Leeona from "Zahira's Danse Orientale" came with a friend and did a dazzling display of belly dancing and encouraged many of the ladies to get up and have a go. What fun! Leeona runs regular classes at Redcliffe, Ph: 0412 501 316, and also left a list of other local Middle Eastern and Belly dance teachers/schools with me should anyone be interested. Leeona also runs regular classes through the Community Education Classes run at
Pine Rivers State High School, contact Ashley on 07 3889 1368 to enquire further.
The hosts, Eleise, Pauline, Sue and myself, baked sweets and slices and made savoury items for the "high tea" included in the ticket price. There was delicious date slice,
brownies, chocolate balls, biscuits,
zucchini slice, savoury scrolls, scrumptious sandwiches and more. (Click on links for brownies and zucchini slice for recipes I used).

There were many lucky door prizes drawn throughout the day which were donated by the stallholders that attended, as well as the organisers of this event. Again thank you to everyone who contributed. My good friend Nerida once again made a lovely quilt, placemats and handbag. Thanks again Nerida! My wonderful father also helped out again, cleaning my house and garden the day before and also by making two cork boards for the lucky door prizes. Thanks again Dad!
We placed coffee tables all over the backyard for our guests to enjoy a lovely autumn afternoon which turned out a little cold but everyone was having a good time and didn't let it bother them. Alfina trimmed flowers from her garden to decorate the tables and fence and the place looked magic.
My front yard once again turned into a carpark and thanks to John for again taking on the "parking attendent" role and fitting all the cars in. Jamie and Emma-Kate took the photos for this posting, thanks girls. Emma, Emma-Kate and Dylan managed the reception and issuing of lucky door prize tickets and found it a very busy experience.
Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket and came and participated on the day, it wouldn't have been a success without all of you. I appreciate that some ladies drove down from as far as the Sunshine Coast, thank you for making the time to come so far.
This year we nominated 2 charities that we wanted to direct proceeds to whilst asking the guests to vote for the third charity they wished to see the proceeds donated to ($1,563.00). The funds will be divide equally between, the
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,
The Heart Foundation and the
Royal Children's Hospital. A special thank you to Coralie at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for lending us the hot water urn for use on the day.
It was a fantastic day, everyone's positive feedback and encouragement was most welcome and we'll do it again next year!