To make it as much fun as possible and contribute to the wider community, we set about making it an afternoon tea party “fundraiser” with entertainment, shopping and raffles. Tell me who could resist?
On the day, four party plan business came including Robyn from Fashions on the Go, Cathy from Chocoholics Anonymous -, Pauline and Eleise from Isabeau Jewellery and Gifts and Nicky from Usborne Books and put their exciting and creative wares on show. If you would like more contact details about these businesses, please contact me and I can provide contact details.
On the day, four party plan business came including Robyn from Fashions on the Go, Cathy from Chocoholics Anonymous -, Pauline and Eleise from Isabeau Jewellery and Gifts and Nicky from Usborne Books and put their exciting and creative wares on show. If you would like more contact details about these businesses, please contact me and I can provide contact details.
To complement the clothing, there was an exciting range of jewellery and handbags available from Isabeau Jewellery and Gifts to suit any and every outfit. Also available is a range of unique giftware.
Kathy from Chocoholics Anonymous had a delicious variety of chocolates to tempt everyone and Nicky from Usborne Books had a wonderful and diverse range of children’s books on display.
Alfina from Alfina’s Coffee Shop at Eatons Hill contributed the most scrumptious chocolate brownies, date cakes and delicately divine lemon merangue tarts for the high teas – thanks again. Alfina also jumped in and served the coffee and tea after seeing how inept I was at doing it!
There were many raffles run throughout the day which were donated by the stallholders that attended, as well as the organisers of this event. Again thank you to everyone who contributed. My good friend Nerida made an heirloom quilted Christmas tablecloth which was highly sort after. Thanks again Nerida.
Thanks to all the ladies who arrived early, we could not of done it without your help. My kitchen was a hub of activity when we were plating up the high teas for approximately 70 guests.
We placed coffee tables all over the backyard for our guests to enjoy the lovely spring afternoon and my neighbour, Norma, allowed me into her garden to cut her beautiful white roses to place on each of the tables. To ensure that we had enough coffee tables for the event, my wonderful father whipped up an extra 2 coffee tables for us to use – thanks Dad.
Candy, my wonderful artistic and creative friend,,, sort out a camera and took the wonderful photos that are displayed here.
My front yard was used as the carpark which I think at its fullest had about 30 cars in it Thank you to John and Bill (Pauline and Eleise’s husbands) for helping set up on the day and co-ordinating the parking. Only one of my friends managed to get in trouble for double parking and blocking other cars. John let her off with a warning this time!
Also thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket and came and participated on the day, it wouldn’t have been a success without you all. I appreciate that some of you had to travel quite a distance to my place out in the sticks on the Northside of Brisbane so thanks for making the time.
All of the guests had the opportunity on the day to vote for the charity they wished to see the proceeds donated to (approximately $1000) and I am happy to announce that the final votes meant that we donated the proceeds equally to the RSPCA -, The National Breast Cancer Foundation - and The Leaukemia Foundation -
My front yard was used as the carpark which I think at its fullest had about 30 cars in it Thank you to John and Bill (Pauline and Eleise’s husbands) for helping set up on the day and co-ordinating the parking. Only one of my friends managed to get in trouble for double parking and blocking other cars. John let her off with a warning this time!
Also thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket and came and participated on the day, it wouldn’t have been a success without you all. I appreciate that some of you had to travel quite a distance to my place out in the sticks on the Northside of Brisbane so thanks for making the time.
All of the guests had the opportunity on the day to vote for the charity they wished to see the proceeds donated to (approximately $1000) and I am happy to announce that the final votes meant that we donated the proceeds equally to the RSPCA -, The National Breast Cancer Foundation - and The Leaukemia Foundation -